Why do you use Tarot? 

I believe the Tarot is a great tool to understand situations and explore our options to create a better path. It helps us explore aspects of a problem or question that might not have come to mind otherwise. Personal growth, self reflection, and deeper wisdom are my main reasons for consulting the Tarot, Lenormand, or Oracle cards. I use all three types of cards to get clarity for myself because they are sure methods to access inner wisdom. I use the Tarot cards to help you get clear on your situation and your options.

What are Tarot cards?

Tarot cards usually come in decks of 78 with detailed illustrations and lots of symbols. They help us connect with our intuition around major themes and daily issues. The symbols on the cards add layers of meaning. There are 22 Major Arcana cards reflecting phases of life and major life lessons. The 56 Minor Arcana cards address daily life and temporary concerns.

The Minor Arcana cards are divided into 4 Suits, similar to playing cards: Cups (AKA Chalices/ Emotions/ Water), Pentacles (Discs/ Coins/ Earth), Wands (Fire), and Swords (Words/ Truth/ Air). Each Suit includes 14 cards, Ace (1) through 10, and the 4 Court cards: Page (Princess/ Daughter in some decks), Knight (Prince/ Son), Queen (Mother), and King (Father).The court card names reflect the times in which they were first created. There are certainly decks with more modern and inclusively named court cards, as well as inclusive imagery. I read the court cards as personality traits or aspects rather than traditional binary female/ male.

Some decks include extra cards or alternate names for the suits (Swords vs. Air, Cups vs. Hearts, Pentacles vs. Discs, and Wands vs. Fire, for example) according to the deck creator’s intent.

What Are Tarot Cards and How Do They Work at Biddy Tarot

Hi Stephanie. Thank you for my reading. I feel like you are “spot on” regarding my reading. I like that you gave me guidance on what to do as well as what to expect. -Client in the US

“Spot On”

Hi, I really enjoyed the reading you gave me. I’m giving you 5 stars. It was very detailed and you gave me a lot of helpful and important information. I really appreciate it. LB in the USA

A Lot of Helpful, Important Information

Is a reading with Stephanie Dreams right for me?

First, if you have a question or you’re seeking direction, it’s a great time for a reading. To find out if your needs and expectations match my reading style, please see my About and Blog. I read in an empowering, personal choice-oriented manner, encouraging you to take reasonable steps toward your goal. I’m not psychic nor I do offer predictions on specific outcomes or dates. I do not predict the behaviors or actions of my clients or any other persons or entities. I currently provide PDF readings by email and I’m looking forward to providing Skype readings in the near future.

I welcome clients from all phases of life, LGBTQ+ enby inclusive, without judgment of anyone’s personal choices. I understand that each of us has different priorities and recognize that many of us choose non-traditional roles and ways of being. I happily respect your preferences, beliefs, and pronouns. Your reading request form allows you to specify any beliefs, relationship styles, or preferred pronouns you wish to include.

The 6 Times You Should Absolutely Get a Tarot Reading via Ethony

What are Lenormand cards?

Lenormand cards generally come in decks of 36 and they tend to have simpler illustrations than Tarot cards. Unlike Tarot cards, only the main image on a Lenormand card is important to the reading. Lenormand is a tool to quickly grasp the most important details of a situation, so it’s really important to ask a specific question. Tarot tends to be more descriptive, multi-layered, and conversational.

3 Main Differences between Lenormand and Tarot at Emily Rose Divination

LabyrinthosIntro to Lenormand Cards and the Difference between Tarot and Lenormand

What kind of readings do you provide?

I provide encouraging, coaching-style Tarot readings, often with a Lenormand or Oracle card to set the tone for your reading or to give more detail. No doom and gloom here–if your reading contains a card that may be considered “negative”, I’ll present options and ideas for improving your outlook at the ready. I’m not psychic nor I do offer predictions on specific outcomes or dates. I do not predict the behaviors or actions of my clients or any other persons or entities. Learn more about my reading style and learn How to Get Your Best Possible Reading.

What kinds of questions can I ask in a reading?

I work best with questions that focus on YOU and how your actions affect your future. You always have options for how to proceed or how to change your mindset. Often, changing our point of view helps us get “unstuck” and move on. See What to Ask the Cards for examples and guidance on creating a great question for the best possible answers.

Ethony’s 7 Surefire Ways to Get a Great Reading

Can you tell me what someone is thinking/ will do?

No. My focus is on YOU and how you can be your best self. I’m happy to help you craft a question that empowers and encourages you to move forward. See What to Ask the Cards for help rephrasing your question.

I am not a psychic or fortune-teller. I do not predict the behaviors or actions of my clients or any other persons or entities. Death, medical diagnoses, legal proceedings, event dates, specific outcomes, or the private thoughts or intentions of others (no snooping, surveillance, or invasion of privacy) are among the topics I won’t read on. I decline requests about whether people will continue, end, or rekindle a relationship. (I’m happy to provide a general relationship outlook and how it might be improved, along with aspects to consider prior to entering or continuing a relationship with a specific person.)

Stephanie, thank you for the time, energy and spirit you infused into this reading, it is greatly appreciated. I was moved to tears as I read your words. The clarity with which you expressed your insight from this reading allowed for few words to have a powerful effect. Literally every single one of your interpretations … Continue reading Deep Knowing of Issues Not Expressed

Deep Knowing of Issues Not Expressed

When taking a step back and taking into account my reading I was able to see just how much my reading was spot on. I have had a rough few months and as the reading suggests I have been focusing on me and growing as a person physically and mentally. Such kind words and 100% … Continue reading Such kind words and 100% accurate

Such kind words and 100% accurate

Are you a psychic or fortune-teller?

I use the Tarot, Lenormand, and Oracle cards intuitively to help you understand your current situation and explore your options to create a better path. I’m not a psychic or a fortune-teller. I can give you ideas on what to expect if you choose Option 1 versus Options 2 or 3. I don’t believe the future is already written since you can make different choices at any time. I do not offer predictions on specific outcomes or dates. I do not predict the behaviors or actions of my clients or any other persons or entities.

Will you tell me my future?

No, I’m not a psychic or a fortune-teller. My reading style is more empowering, encouraging you to take charge, instead of simply waiting for life to “happen to you”. I don’t believe the future is already established because any small change you make affects your future. I use the Tarot, Lenormand, and Oracle cards intuitively to help you understand your current situation and explore your options to create a better path. I can give you ideas on what to expect if you choose Option 1 versus Options 2 or 3. Check out What to Ask the Tarot and my Code of Ethics to learn more.

I do not predict the behaviors or actions of my clients or any other persons or entities. Death, medical diagnoses, legal proceedings, event dates, specific outcomes, or the private thoughts or intentions of others (no snooping, surveillance, or invasion of privacy) are among the topics I won’t read on. I don’t read on topics that may potentially harm others, such as how to interrupt relationships, get people fired, or reduce their income or other assets. I decline requests about whether people will continue, end, or rekindle relationships. (However, I’m happy to provide a general relationship outlook and how it might be improved, along with aspects to consider prior to entering or continuing a relationship with a specific person.)

Do you read reversals (reversed cards)?

I don’t read traditional reversals (with some cards in the deck upside down). Instead, I intuitively sense when the reversed meaning is indicated. Reversals may mean the opposite of the card’s meaning, an imbalance of characteristics in the card, or an internal process. Fun fact: my sibling and I made the same choice regarding reversals independently.

Which decks do you use?

See the decks I use here and choose which one I use for your reading.

What are Oracle cards?

Oracle card decks may be built around any theme the creator wishes, from fairies to finance decks. Unlike Tarot and Lenormand, Oracle decks do not have a set number of cards or generally agreed-upon meanings. The deck creator is responsible for sharing the meanings of their cards and the best ways to use them.

What’s The Difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards at Biddy Tarot

Where did you find your Tarot cloths?

Find a similar royal blue Star and Moon Tarot/ altar cloth, along with other gorgeous silk scarves and clothing, at Heaven on Earth Silks. The multicolored blue Cosmic Ocean cloth, plus Tarot and playing card decks in the same theme, are available at Art is My Magic on Etsy.

Still have questions?

Contact me and we’ll get you sorted!

Need to Know

Card images appear courtesy of their deck creators and illustrators. I truthfully and respectfully communicate the messages of your reading, though no guarantee is offered as to the accuracy of a reading. Content, services, and readings are offered to people 18 years or older and do not constitute legal, medical, financial, psychological, or other professional advice nor should they be treated as such. You remain responsible for your personal actions. Review my Code of Ethics and Privacy Policy. By requesting a reading, you confirm that you understand and agree with the above and linked statements.